
No, Shark ESMS is completely cloud based using AWS

Mobile or Network access is required for Shark ESMS as it does not store data locally.

Amazon Web Services offers set of global cloud-based solutions including compute, storage, databases, analytics and security, for on-demand applications such as Shark ESMS

Shark ESMS has been tested on Microsft Edge, Chromium, Firefox and Safari and should run on all other modern browsers

Using AWS it is secure as is possible on a cloud based system - AWS security

Yes, It is backed up as part of the AWS - AWS Backup

Being cloud based, you do not need to update the software, any software changes will be automatic.
Additional features will not affect any existing data or usage

All of your relevant data, documents and reports etc. are downloadable.
However, the main database is not downloadable as it could not be used independently from the Shark Software.


In the login page select 'forgotten password' or contact us and we can reset you password.

Contact us with new user details, email and access level required. We can set them up.

There is no limit to the number of users, Company or subcontract staff.

As the login email address sets the level of access available you will need a different email address for engineering and management dashboards.
It is recommended to use your main company email for the managers dashboard login as the higher 'authority' and any other email for the engineers login.

To use Shark ESMS internet access is required, engineers do not need have to have a dedicated device, any phone or tablet with internet access can be used as nothing is installed on the device. This can be via the local network or 4G.

The engineers login is specifically designed to run on a phone and being largely text based minimal bandwidth is required. Although this will increase if large photos are uploaded, but generally this is low compared with modern phone useage.

Getting started

Any number of names can be added but this will need to be done by Shark ESMS administration

Alert documents are uploaded at a Company wide level, any personnel with a National level login can add 'Alerts' Documents.
In most cases email to administration and, if appropriate, they will be added free of charge.
Otherwise it could be added to the site documents which are fully editable locally.

Only .pdf documents can be uploaded.
Although there are some National documents (HSE) The site manager has has complete control over the Site documents section, creating, naming, adding, archiving documents and folders.


Yes defects can be manually added via the site management dashboard for inspections such as fixed wiring.

The statistics and defect details are updated in the Managers Dashboard, immediately, whenever an item is saved. Once a defect has been actioned it is removed from the statistics as soon as it is signed off by the manager.

Notifications for Category 1 defects are done immediately and a summary is sent weekly (default).
The notification period can be changed or even removed by admin.
Please contact us if you want to alter or remove notifications for a user.

By default the site manager gets the notifications, any registered user can have email notifications enabled

Yes. Provided the email is a registered as a shark login


A ‘picture paints a thousand words’ it enables the item to be more easily identified, also enabling before and after to be compared by management before signing off.

Error Messages

This is caused by one or more items not being fully downloaded or
an item in the cache is out of date. To fix try one of the following:

  1. click on 'ok to clear the message then refresh the page in the browser.
  2. If that fails then refresh the browser page while holding down the shift key.
  3. As a last resort go into browser setting and under the security settings
    clear the clear cache, then refresh.

This is more prevalent on Firefox browser so if the problem persists try a different browser.

Contact us
