Staff & Site ⤵️

Details Of Electricity Supply

The report contains an overview of the site supply details, such as Supplier (DNO), contact details, supply characteristics, Earthing arrangements etc.
Information is usefull for such things as contractors Installation Certificates but invaluable for management who can access it remotely particularly in the event event of a significant incidence.

The page shows

  • Date of last review
  • Date of next review
  • Last Reviewed by
  • View Latest report Download link.

If the company's Manager's guidance document has been uploaded there is a link to download it and includes a Download link to view the latest report and an Upload New Report button.

Upload New Report

Enter the information which then shows in the above page.

  • Upload new report
    • Latest version of the report can be uploaded.
  • Reviewed by
    • Select reviewer from the drop‑down list.
  • Date of Review
    • From the calendar menu.

Names listed in the selection drop-down lists are added during site setup. Please contact Shark ESMS administration to add new names to the lists
